Emerging as a Desired Non-Surgical Treatment For Facial Rejuvenation

The use of platelet-rich plasma has emerged as one of the most desired non-surgical treatments for facial rejuvenation and also hair restoration. It has grown to encompass a wide variety of applications within the field of plastic surgery, including its use in combination with microneedling, laser, and fat-grafting procedures.

There is a therapeutic advantage to the use of platelet-rich plasma as a single treatment for alopecia and skin rejuvenation and in combination with laser skin treatments and fat grafting procedures.

The use of platelet-rich plasma in the medical arena has grown exponentially in the past few years, with claims of regenerative and restorative properties. Originally used for the treatment of dermatologic and oromaxillofacial conditions, it has since grown within other clinical specialties such as orthopedic and plastic surgery. Dermatologic and plastic surgical uses include facial rejuvenation, and rogenic alopecia, acne scarring, and fat grafting, among other applications. Studies have shown improvements in wrinkles, skin texture, facial volume, and hair regrowth. Other clinical trials have shown promising results with regard to tissue healing. Recent literature has emerged with objective measurements to delineate the true efficacy of platelet-rich plasma and its growing Future in the medical arena.
